2018.12-至今 西南大学大学,教授
2016.12-2018.12 丹麦哥本哈根大学,博士后
2016.11-2017.1 英国阿伯丁大学,博士后
2016.2-2016.5 加拿大曼尼托巴大学,访问学者
2013.8-2016.10 丹麦奥胡斯大学,博士
2010.9-2013.7 东北农业大学,硕士
2006.9-2010.7 沈阳师范大学,本科
现已发表sci论文20余篇,最高影响因子6.2,被引三百余次。参与撰写食品化学百科全书(encyclopedia of food chemistry)一章,授权国家发明专利1 项。
1. 西南大学引进人才基金项目
2. 丹麦食品、农业及渔业部绿色发展项目
3. 丹麦未来食品创新项目
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目
1. fu, y., bak, k. h., liu, j., de gobba, c., tøstesen, m., hansen, e. t., petersen, m. a., ruiz-carrascal, j., bredie, w. l. p., & lametsch, r. (2019). protein hydrolysates of porcine hemoglobin and blood: peptide characteristics in relation to taste attributes and formation of volatile compounds. food research international. 121, 28-38.
2. fu, y., chen, j., bak, k. h., lametsch, r. (2019). valorisation of protein hydrolysates from animal by‐products: perspectives on bitter taste and debittering methods: a review. international journal of food science & technology. 54, 978-986.
3. fu, y., liu, j. & lametsch, r. (2018). structural characteristics of low bitter and high umami protein hydrolysates prepared from bovine muscle and porcine plasma. food chemistry. 257, 163-171.
4. fu, y., & therkildsen, m, aluko, r. e. & lametsch, r. (2018). exploration of collagen from animal by-products as a precursor of bioactive peptides: successes and challenges. critical review in food science and nutrition. 1-17. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2018.1436038
5. fu, y., young, j. f., & therkildsen, m. (2017). bioactive peptides in beef: endogenous generation through postmortem aging. meat science, 123, 134-142.
6. fu, y., alashi, a.m., young, j. f., aluko, r. e., & therkildsen, m. (2017). enzyme inhibition kinetics and molecular interactions of patatin peptides with angiotensin i-converting enzyme and renin. international journal of biological macromolecules, 101, 207-213.
7. fu, y., young, j. f., rasmussen, m. k., dalsgaard, t. k., lametsch, r., aluko, r. e., & therkildsen, m. (2016). angiotensin i–converting enzyme–inhibitory peptides from bovine collagen: insights into inhibitory mechanism and transepithelial transport. food research international, 89, 373-381.
8. fu, y., young, j. f., løkke, m. m., lametsch, r., aluko, r. e., & therkildsen, m. (2016). revalorisation of bovine collagen as a potential precursor of angiotensin i-converting enzyme (ace) inhibitory peptides based on in silico and in vitro protein digestions. journal of functional foods, 24, 196-206.
9. fu, y., wu, w., zhu, m., & xiao, z. (2016). in silico assessment of the potential of patatin as a precursor of bioactive peptides. journal of food biochemistry, 40(3), 366-370
10. wu, w., fu, y.*, therkildsen, m., li, x. m., & dai, r. t. (2015). molecular understanding of meat quality through application of proteomics. food reviews international, 31(1), 13-28.
11. fu, y., young, j. f., dalsgaard, t. k., & therkildsen, m. (2015). separation of angiotensin i‐converting enzyme inhibitory peptides from bovine connective tissue and their stability towards temperature, ph and digestive enzymes. international journal of food science & technology, 50, 1234-1243.
12. fu, y., & zhao, x. h. (2015). utilization of chum salmon (oncorhynchus keta) skin gelatin hydrolysates to attenuate hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative injury in rat hepatocyte brl cell model. journal of aquatic food product technology, 24(7), 648-660.
13. fu, y., & zhao, x. h. (2013). in vitro responses of hfob1. 19 cells towards chum salmon (oncorhynchus keta) skin gelatin hydrolysates in cell proliferation, cycle progression and apoptosis. journal of functional foods, 5(1), 279-288.
1. fu, y., & lametsch, r. (2019). bioactives from land-based animal processing by-products. encyclopedia of food chemistry. elsevier science bv.
曾获国家留学基金委“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”、欧洲食品科学技术大会(effost) “杰出博士生奖”、国际肉类科技大会(icomst)“最佳论文报告奖”、加拿大功能食品与天然健康产品大会(ffnhp)“最佳论文报告奖”、哈尔滨市自然科学技术三等奖、沈阳市自然学术成果三等奖。
美国食品科技学会(ift)会员,食品类sci 期刊food chemistry,journal of functional foods, food hydrocolloids,journal of food biochemistry 特约审稿人。
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