(9)重庆市 322人才工程第二层次人选(2008年——)
(1)2004年9月~2005年2月,在美国密苏里大学(哥伦比亚本部)(university of missouri-columbia)作高级访问学者。
(2)2014年6月23日-2014年7月5日,在匈牙利布达佩斯匈牙利中央食品研究所(central food research institute)做中匈政府间科技合作项目研究——:“酸面团多菌种混合发酵剂研制及其对含麸皮馒头和面包的品质提升”;同时参加国际学术会议“international scientific conference on probiotics and prebiotics - ipc2014,24th-26th june2014,budapest,hungary”。
(3)2012年4月20日-2012年4月28日,在圣彼得堡国家技术研究所(技术大学)微生物综合技术系 dr. mark shamtsyan )做中克政府间科技合作项目研究;同时参加国际学术研讨会“the first north and east european congress on food(neefood-2012),april22-24,2012 st. petersburg, russia”。
(7)2011年7月15日-2011年7月29日,在克罗地亚奥谢克食品技术学院(the faculty of food technology of osijek)做中克政府间科技合作项目研究。
(8)2008年7月28日-2008年8月10日,在克罗地亚奥谢克食品技术学院(the faculty of food technology of osijek)做中克政府间科技合作项目研究。
(9)2005年11月10日-2005年11月24日,在匈牙利布达佩斯cornvious大学(budapest cornvious university)和匈牙利中央食品研究所(central food research institute)做中匈政府间科技合作项目研究。
(1)阚建全、陈科伟.essentials of food chemistry. new york: springer. 2020年。
(2)阚建全(6中第3).food chemistry. new york: nova science pubishers, inc. 2012年
(2)阚建全副主编(13中第4).食品安全导论(普通高等教育“十一五”精品课程建设教材),中国农业大学出版社, 2009年8月第1版, 2016年08月第2版。
(5)阚建全主编. 食品化学,中国计量出版社,2009年11月第1版。
(6)阚建全参编(第4). 食品化学(高等学校食品质量与安全专业“十一五”规划教材,中国林业出版社,2008年。
(7)阚建全主编. 食品化学,新文京开发出版股份有限公司(台湾),2006年第1版,2017年第3版。
(8)阚建全主编. 食品化学(高等农林教育本科“面向21世纪课程教材(04-8)),中国农业大学出版社,2002年9月第1版,2008年9月第2版,2016年06月第3版。
(9)陈宗道、阚建全编著. 实用油脂化学,西南师范大学出版社. 1997
(2) 一种高纯度花椒麻味物质的制备方法. 阚建全第三发明人,zl201510934595.2。
(4)一种青花椒酱制备方法,阚建全第一发明人,zl 201310445964.2
(5)一种透明包装榨菜生产方法,阚建全第一发明人,zl 201210528100.2
(6)一种青花椒自然干燥的护色剂及其护色方法,阚建全第一发明人,zl 201210506373.7
(7)蚕蛹美拉德反应风味调味料的制作方法,阚建全第一发明人,zl 201110298192.5
(8)薏苡仁米糠及其应用,阚建全第二发明人,zl 201110093751.9
(10)易溶高亲脂、亲水性微囊淀粉的生产工艺,阚建全第二发明人,zl 200310121034.8
(1)天然香辛料高效提取及品质提升关键技术创新与应用,阚建全第三,2018年度中国食品科学技术学会科技创新奖 “技术发明奖一等奖”(证书号2018-f-09)。
(3)薯类淀粉精深再加工关键技术研究与工业化开发, 阚建全第一,获“2009年重庆市科学技术进步二等奖” (2009-j-2-08-r01)。
(5)传统(毛霉型)豆豉速成低盐化生物技术研究与工业化开发, 阚建全第一,获“2006年重庆市科学技术进步二等奖”(jb060203201);阚建全第二,中国商业联合会科学技术奖商业科技进步二等奖(2007-2-10-r02)。
(5)重庆市科委——(中央引导地方科技发展专项资金地方专业性技术创新平台类)永川豆豉产业技术研究院( cstc2018zycxpt0006,100万元),阚建全主持人(2018年07月-2021年6月)
(1)hongxin zhang , guangjing chen , min liu , xiaofei mei , qingqing yu , *.2020. effects of multi-frequency ultrasound on physicochemical properties, structural characteristics of gluten protein and the quality of noodle.ultrasonics sonochemistry, 2020,67:105135(if2016-2018= 5.836, if2018=7.279,jcr化学大类2区,top期刊; jcr声学小类1区)
(2); ; ; ; ; *.2020. insights into the stability of carotenoids and capsaicinoids in water-based or oil-based chili systems at different processing treatments.food chemistry,2020-10-06(epub2020-10-06);(if2018=5.399,if2016-2018=4.9584,jcr食品科技小类1区,jcr工程技术大类2区,top期刊)
(3); ; ; ; *.2020. the immunomodulatory effects of carapax trionycis ultrafine powder on cyclophosphamide-induced immunosuppression in balb/c mice.journal of the science of food and agriculture,2020-09-19 (epub 2020 -09- 19);(if2018=2.422,if2016-2018=2.421,jcr农业综合小类2区,农林科学大类2区)
(4)yang, bing;luo, yuxin;tan, yue; *.2020. effects of ethephon on ethephon residue and quality properties of chili pepper during pre-harvest ripening.journal of food science and technology-mysore,2020-08;(if2018=1.850,if2016-2018=1.636,jcr工程技术大类4区,jcr食品科技小类4区)
(5)wei, xunyu;yang, bing;chen, guangjing;wang, di;shi, yue;chen, qiaoli; *.2020. zanthoxylumalkylamides improve amino acid metabolism in type 2 diabetes mellitus rats.journal of food biochemistry,e13441;2020-08;(if2018=1.358,if2016-2018=1.303,jcr食品科技小类4区,生物大类4区)
(6)hong, qingyue;chen, guangjing;wang, zhirong;chen, xuhui;shi, yue;chen, qiaoli; *.2020. impact of processing parameters on physicochemical properties and biological activities of qingke (highland hull-less barley) treated by steam explosion.journal of food processing and preservation, e14793;2020-08;(if2018=1.288,if2016-2018=1.196,jcr食品科技小类4区,工程技术大类4区)
(7)fang, chuchu;chen, guangjing; *.2020. comparison on characterization and biological activities of mentha haplocalyx polysaccharides at different solvent extractions. international journal of biological macromolecules,154:916-928;2020-06-01;(if2016-2018= 4.121, if2018=4.784,jcr生物大类2区, jcr应用化学小类2区)
(8)chen, xuhui;chen, guangjing;wang, zhirong; *.2020. a comparison of a polysaccharide extracted from ginger (zingiber officinale) stems and leaves using different methods: preparation, structure characteristics, and biological activities. international journal of biological macromolecules, 151:635-649;2020-05-15;(if2016-2018= 4.121, if2018=4.784,jcr生物大类2区, jcr应用化学小类2区)
(9)yang, bing;luo, yuxin;wu, qunjun;yang, qiong;*.2020. hovenia dulcis polysaccharides: influence of multi-frequency ultrasonic extraction on structure, functional properties, and biological activities.international journal of biological macromolecules,2020,148:1010-1020;2020-04-01(if2016-2018= 4.121, if2018=4.784,jcr生物大类2区, jcr应用化学小类2区)
(10)li, yao;*.2020. separation and determination of alkylamides from prickly ash powder using molecularly imprinting technique.journal of food composition and analysis,86:e103387;2020-03; (if2016-2018=2.901, if2018=2.994,jcr工程技术大类3区, jcr食品科技小类2区)
(11)wang, shasha;chen, guangjing;chen, kewei;*.2020. bioavailability and prebiotic potential of carapax trionycis, a waste from soft-shelled turtle processing.journal of the science of food and agriculture,100(6):2554-2567;2020-04;(if2018=2.422,if2016-2018=2.421,jcr农业综合小类2区,农林科学大类2区)
(12)yang, bing;tan, yue;*.2020. regulation of quality and biogenic amine production during sufu fermentation by pure mucor strains.lwt-food science and technology,2020,117:108637;2020-01; (if2016-2018=3.057, if2018=3.714,jcr工程技术大类2区, jcr食品科技小类2区)
(13)guangjing chen, chuchu fang , xuhui chen , zhirong wang , min liu, jianquan kan*.2019. high-pressure ultrasonic-assisted extraction of polysaccharides from mentha haplocalyx: structure, functional and biological activities. industrial crops & products.130:273-284;2019-04;(if2015-2017= 3.493, if2017=3.849,jcr农林科学大类1区,top期刊,jcr农艺学小类1区)
(14)chen, guangjing ; chen, xuhui ; yang, bing ; yu, qingqing ; wei, xunyu; ding, yongbo ; kan,jianquan*.2019. new insight into bamboo shoot (chimonobambusa quadrangularis) polysaccharides: impact of extraction processes on its prebiotic activity. food hydrocolloids. 95:367-377;2019-10;(if2016-2018= 5.225, if2018=5.839,jcr工程技术大类2区,top期刊,jcr食品科技小类1区)
(15)chen, guangjing; li, changfeng; wang, shasha; mei, xiaofei; zhang, hongxin; *.2019. characterization of physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity of polysaccharides from shoot residues of bamboo (chimonobambusa quadrangularis): effect of drying procedures. food chemistry,292:281-293;2019-9-15;(if2018=5.399,if2016-2018=4.958,jcr食品科技小类1区,jcr工程技术大类2区,top期刊)
(16); ; ; ; ; *.2019. high-pressure ultrasonic-assisted extraction of polysaccharides from hovenia dulcis: extraction, structure, antioxidant activity and hypoglycemic.international journal of biological macromolecules,137:676-687;2019-9-15;(if2016-2018= 4.121, if2018=4.784,jcr生物大类2区, jcr应用化学小类2区)
(17)li, changfeng; chen, guangjing ; ran, chunxia ; liu, linjing ; wang, shasha ; xu, yao ; tan, yue;*. 2019. adlay starch-gluten composite gel: effects of adlay starch on rheological and structural properties of gluten gel to molecular and physico-chemical characteristics. food chemistry,289:121-129;2019-08-15;(if2018=5.399,if2016-2018=4.958,jcr食品科技小类1区,jcr工程技术大类2区,top期刊)
(18)yang, bing; wu, qunjun ; luo, yuxin ; yang, qiong; chen, guangjing ; wei, xunyu;*.2019. japanese grape (hovenia dulcis) polysaccharides: new insight into extraction, characterization, rheological properties, and bioactivities. .international journal of biological macromolecules,134:631-644;;2019-08-01;(if2016-2018= 4.121, if2018=4.784,jcr生物大类2区, jcr应用化学小类2区)
(19)yang, bing; wu, qunjun ; song, xue ; yang, qiong;*.2019. physicochemical properties and bioactive function of japanese grape (hovenia dulcis) pomace insoluble dietary fibre modified by ball milling and complex enzyme treatment. international journal of food science and technology,54(7):2363-2373;2019-07;(if2016-2018= 2.101, if2018=2.281,jcr工程技术大类3区, jcr食品科技小类3区)
(20)tan, yue ; zhang, renfeng ; chen, guangjing ; wang, shasha; li, changfeng; xu, yao ; *.2019. effect of different starter cultures on the control of biogenic amines and quality change of douchi by rapid fermentation. lwt-food science and technology,109:395-405;2019-07;(if2016-2018=3.057, if2018=3.714,jcr工程技术大类2区, jcr食品科技小类2区)
(21)chen, guangjing ; fang, chuchu ; ran, chunxia ; tan, yue ; yu, qingqing ; *. 2019. comparison of different extraction methods for polysaccharides from bamboo shoots (chimonobambusa quadrangularis) processing by-products. .international journal of biological macromolecules,130:903-914;2019-06;(if2016-2018= 4.121, if2018=4.784,jcr生物大类2区, jcr应用化学小类2区)
(22)wang, hongwei; zhang, xiao); suo, huayi; zhao, xin ; *. 2019. aroma and flavor characteristics of commercial chinese traditional bacon from different geographical regions. journal of sensory studes,34(1):; 2019-02;(if2016-2018=1.788,if2018=2.072,jcr食品科技小类3区,工程技术大类4区)
(23)liu, jianjun; fan, lanlan; liu, yuanming ; mao, lili; *. 2019. application of terahertz spectroscopy and chemometrics for discrimination of transgenic camellia oil. spectrochimica acta part a-molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy,165-169;2019-01-05;(if2016-2018=2.782,if2018=2.931,jcr光谱学小类2区,化学大类3区)
(24)xiaolong chen; xinkai jin;yao li; guangjing chen; kewei chen;jianquan kan*. 2018. preparation and characterization of molecularly-imprinted polymers for extraction of sanshool acid amide compounds followed by their separation from pepper oil resin derived from chinese prickly ash (zanthoxylum bungeanum).journal of separation science, 41(2):590-601(if2016=2.557,jcr分析化学小类3区,化学大类3区)
(25)guangjing chen;jianquan kan*.2018. characterization of a novel polysaccharide isolated from rosaroxburghii tratt fruit and assessment of its antioxidant in vitro andin vivo. international journal of biological macromolecules,107:166-174 (if2016=3.671,jcr应用化学小类2区,生物大类3区)
(26)jianjun liu;jianquan kan*. 2018.recognition of genetically modified product based on affinity propagation clustering and terahertz spectroscopy. spectrochimica acta part a: molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy,194:14-20(if2016=2.536,jcr物理大类2区)
(27)guangjing chen;kewei chen; renfeng zhang;xiaolong chen;peng hu;jianquan kan*. 2018.polysaccharides from bamboo shoots processing by-products: new insight into extraction and characterization. food chemistry, 245:1113-1123(if2016=4.529,jcr食品科技小类1区,工程技术大类2区,top期刊)
(28)xia xuejuan;li guannan;ding yongbo;ren tingyuan;zheng jiong;kan jianquan*.2017. effect of whole grain qingke(tibetan hordeum vulgare l.zangqing320) on the serum lipid levels and intestinal microbiota of rats under high-fat diet.journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 65(13):2686-2693(if2015=2.857,jcr农业综合小类1区,农林科学大类1区)
(29)yongbo ding;lining pu;jianquan kan*. 2017. hypolipidemic effects of lipid-lowering granulated tea preparation from monascus-fermented grains (adlay and barley bran) mixed with lotus leaves on sprague–dawley rats fed a high-fat diet. journal of functional foods, 32:80-89(if2016=3.144,jcr食品科技小类1区,工程技术大类1区)
(30)tingyuan ren;yuping zhu; jianquan kan*. 2017. zanthoxylum alkylamides activate phosphorylated ampk and ameliorate glycolipid metabolism in the streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. clinical and experimental hypertension. 39(4):330-338 (if2016=1.162,jcr周血管病小类4区,医学大类4区)
(31)tingyuan ren;yuping zhu;xuejuan xia;yongbo ding;jing guo and jianquan kan*. 2017. zanthoxylum alkylamides ameliorate protein metabolism disorder in stz-induced diabetic rats. journal of molecular endocrinology ,58(3):113-125 (if2016=3.577,jcr内分泌学与代谢小类3区,医学大类3区)
(32)shi h;chen z; chen d; kan j*.2017. sublethal injury and recovery of escherichia coli o157:h7 and k-12 after exposure to lactic acid. food control, 82: 190-195 (if2016=3.496,jcr食品科技小类2区,工程技术大类2区)
(33)xuhui chen;yongbo ding;jiaxin song and jianquan kan*. 2017. hypolipidaemic effect and mechanism of paprika seed oil on sprague–dawley rats. journal of the science of food and agriculture,97(12):4242-4249 (if2016=2.463,jcr农业综合小类2区,工程技术大类3区)
(34)yongbo ding; jianquan kan*.2017. optimization and characterization of high pressure homogenization produced chemically modified starch nanoparticles.journal of food science and technology, 54(13):4501-4509 (if2016=1.262,jcr食品科技小类3区,工程技术大类3区)
(35)mao lin; mingxiu long;guolin li;xi chen;jiong zheng;chao li;and jianquan kan*.2016. analysis of peanut using near-infrared spectroscopy and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry: correlation of chemical components and volatile compounds. international journal of food properties, 19(3):508–520(if2015=1.586,jcr四区)
(36)yongbo ding;jiong zheng; xuejuan xia;tingyuan ren;jianquan kan*. 2016. preparation and characterization of resistant starch type ivnanoparticles through ultrasonication and miniemulsion cross-linking. carbohydrate polymers, 141:151-159(if2015=4.219,jcr应用化学小类一区)
(37)yongbo ding;jiong zheng;xuejuan xia;tingyuan ren;jianquan kan*. 2016. box–behnken design for the optimization of nanoscale retrograded starch formation by high-power ultrasonication. lwt - food science and technology, 67:206-213(if2015=2.711,jcr二区)
(38)yongbo ding; jianquan kan*. 2016. characterization of nanoscale retrograded starch prepared by a sonochemical method.starch ‐ stärke, 68: 264–273 (if2015=1.523, jcr三区)
(39)ding, yongbo;zheng, jiong;zhang, fusheng;kan, jianquan*. 2016.synthesis and characterization of retrograded starch nanoparticles through homogenization and miniemulsion cross-linking. carbohydrate polymers,151: 656-665(if2015=4.219,jcr应用化学小类一区)
(40)chen, guangjing;zhang, shiqi;ran, chunxia; wang, lisha; kan, jianquan*. 2016. extraction, characterization and antioxidant activity of water-soluble polysaccharides from tuber huidongense. international journal of biological macromolecules,91: 431-442(if2015=3.318,jcr应用化学小类二区)
(1)中国热带作物学会香料饮料作物专业委员会 委员(2019年——)
(2)中国经济林协会加工利用分会 副会长(2018年——)
(3)中国农学会农产品加工及贮藏分会 理事(2011年——)
(4)重庆市食品工业协会专家委员会 副主任委员(2010年—)
(5)重庆市食品安全促进会专家委员会 主任委员(2009年——)
(7)重庆市产品质量与环境分析测试分会 副主任委员(2006年——)
(8)重庆市营养学会 副理事长(2006年——)
(9)国家食品药品监督管理局保健食品审评专家 (2005年——)(食药监注便函[2005]244号)
(11)重庆市营养学会营养与保健食品专业委员会 主任委员(2004年——)