陈孝勇,男,贵州省安顺人,博士,副教授 研究方向: 乳酸菌和膳食多糖的功效研究 教育与工作经历: 2022.03~至今 西南大学 副教授 2018.09~2021.12 华南理工大学 博士 2014.09~2017.06 西南大学 硕士 2010.09~2014.06 兰州理工大学 学士 近三年发表的代表性论文: chen xy, li x, sun-waterhouse dx, zhu by, you lj, hileuskaya k. polysaccharides from sargassum fusiforme after uv/h2o2 degradation effectively ameliorate dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis [j]. food & function, 2021, 12(23): 11747-11759.(封面文章) chen xy, sun-waterhouse dx, yao wz, li x, zhao mm, you lj. free radical-mediated degradation of polysaccharides: mechanism of free radical formation and degradation, influence factors and product properties. food chemistry, 2021, 365: 130524. chen xy, you lj, ma yx, zhao zg, kulikouskaya v. influence of uv/h2o2 treatment on polysaccharides from sargassum fusiforme: physicochemical properties and raw 264.7 cells responses [j]. food and chemical toxicology, 2021, 153: 112246. chen xy, zhang rf, li yz, li x, you lj, kulikouskaya v, hileuskaya k. degradation of polysaccharides from sargassum fusiforme using uv/h2o2 and its effects on structural characteristics [j]. carbohydrate polymers, 2020, 230: 115647. chen xy, li x, zhang xb, you lj, cheung pc, huang rm, xiao jb. antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic activities of a polysaccharide from physalis pubescens l. in streptozotocin (stz)-induced diabetic mice [j]. food & function, 2019, 10(8): 4868-4876. yao wz, chen xy, li x, chang sy, zhao mm, you lj. current trends in the anti-photoaging activities and mechanisms of dietary non-starch polysaccharides from natural resources [j]. critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 2021: 1-15.
授权发明专利: 1.游丽君,陈孝勇,赵振刚,李雄. 一种褐藻多糖脱色脱蛋白的方法. cn201910820755 此专利已申请澳大利亚(已授权)和美国专利(实质审查中) j9九游会老哥俱乐部交流区的联系方式: 地 址:重庆市北碚区天生路2号 邮编:400715 e-mail:chenxiaoyong522@163.com
2022-03-15 08:44:26 |